mercredi 30 mars 2016

Two important things to keep our Note in good running condition

Everything needs to figure out. For some people it maybe too late now but for me it is still new.

Recently I figure out that our that our Note really needs two things to keep it running well:

1) a ram booster app to keep it in good condition.
2) a trimming application. trim is already too old topic and I guess everyone is make good use of it. I use free trimmer app from Gplay and it seems perfect!

But for ram booster, at least, it is new to me.

In the past I rarely had any problem with ram running too low. But it become more often now. The reason I guess is that newer google and other applications are too much ram greedy now. They all want to stay running in background and eating too much ram.

So now I find out that a ram booster is needed to control behaviors of background applications and keep a reasonable amount of ram for the system to function well.

I am using free Smart Booster-free cleaner from the Gplay and it works very well. The handy function is auto boost which allow users to set minimum amount of ram when the app will auto boost ram (free ram from background application). I set it to 150 MB. So far it run perfectly.

I hope it helps for other to keep Note in perfect running condition!:good:

I look forward to other sharing experience in the same topic.


from xda-developers

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