mercredi 30 mars 2016

Galaxy S7 specs?

Hello all. I bought an S7 at Verizon. I have been to eight or ten sites that gave me eight or ten answers. Octa-core Exynos, 820 Snapdragon...... THEN i decide to use Everest, a program to tell me all about my hardware. It says four chores, but with speeds from 300mhz to 1.6 ghz.

Okay i have the snapdragon, that's cool, but it's suppose to have two 1.6ghz cores, and two 2.1ghz cores! I just have a feeling that I've been screwed here.

It's not that the phone runs crappy or anything, but I'd really like to know ebay I've paid for. Does that make sense to anyone?

Thank you.

from xda-developers

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