mercredi 30 mars 2016

Cant go back to Sense (from gpe)

Hello :)
Since i flashed the gpe ruu, i cant get back to sense.
I tried almost everything. I tried 3 different ruu.exe's, 2 different's and dozens of firmwares. (old and new ones, international and devEd's)
My Bootloader is unlocked, i have s-off and supercid.
(I tried everything with a relocked bootloader, too!)
I followed this guide right here. (And a good hand full of other guides, here on xda)
Currently i have cm13 installed, but i really want sense back tho :P
I downloaded 3 different sense based custom roms and tried them all. But twrp is unable to flash them, due to the changed /system partition size. (i tried twrp AND 3.0.0-1)
For those of you who are able to speak or read german, I have a different thread in a german forum.

I appreciate any help! :)

from xda-developers

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