jeudi 31 mars 2016

Defy Wifi drops problem is driving me crazy, tried everything, plz help !

Hello guys,

I've been trying to fix wifi on my Defy since I got the phone a month ago and I'm starting to get really frustrated with this problem.
I usually just read, dont post on forums but I've tried alot of solutions found on this forum and others and. nothing has worked except flashing CM10/11 or SlimRom. Wifi doesn't work properly on stock ROM or MIUI so my guess is it's a framework problem which has been fixed on newer versions because as soon as I swith to android 4.0 or above, I have no problem, but these ROMs eat up alot of the phones resources and I would like to have a more fluent experience so I want to stay on MIUI.

Any other defive connects fine to my Asus router.

So on any gingerbread ROM (stock/custom) wifi works fine a few minutes and then the signal drops and disconnects. After that I can't see any wifi networks in range. and only works again if I enable/disable wifi or activate/deactivate airplane mode, but it drops again after a few minutes.

I've tried changing every setting in the router(changed channels, frequencies, disabled 802.11n mode, changed to g mode, etc), or in the defy related, nothing works unless I flash an android 4.x.

Plz help, I'm desperate.

from xda-developers

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