jeudi 31 mars 2016

Platform.xml caused broken bluetooth and write permissions

So, this all started, because I was annoyed that Dolphin Browser, wouldn't let me save directly to the external_SD\download folder. I googled, and found out it was a thing since 4.4, that writing to the SD card was kinda wonky. Anyway, I did the "fix" where you add those lines in the platform.xml file, and bluetooth no longer works (something I use every day, so it's important to me). I deleted the file and restored my backup, which at the very most, stopped the bluetooth toast error from constantly appearing. Now, I can no longer take screenshots, or use the camera app. I also noticed that sdcard0 no longer shows as an active directory. Everything appears to have been moved to emulated\0. I have used Root Explorer to try and change folder r/w permissions, to no avail. I'm wondering if having Apps2sd move everything to the sd card, the day prior, aided in this debacle. I have tried using the apps on the play store to fix the sd issue, which just tell me that it's already fixed, even though it isn't.

Is there a known fix to this, other than wiping and starting completely over? When I attempt doing a factory reset, do I need to have the rooted image on the root of the internal memory, and by that I mean, do I need to re-access sdcard0, or will it work on the emulated/0 mount? Will this cause a boot loop?

I am on 11A, and rooted.

I have read all the threads I could on this, but I didn't really see a solution.

from xda-developers

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