jeudi 31 mars 2016

[Recovery] Team Win Recovery Project for the LG G5

April fools!

Okay, not really, if anyone would be so kind as to contact me preferably through freenode IRC at the #twrp channel...
I need someone with knowledge of adb.

For the most part, it should boot.

I don't know if it really does boot.

I don't own the device, so I will need your assistance to provide proper values in my settings.

click here to enter TWRP chat and assist

XDA:DevDB Information
Team Win Recovery Project - LG G5, Tool/Utility for the T-Mobile LG G5

jcadduono, The Team Win Recovery Project team

Version Information
Status: Testing

Created 2016-04-01
Last Updated 2016-04-01

from xda-developers

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