jeudi 31 mars 2016

[Q] Help on Missing Files and Folders

I have noticed something weird with my device. When I connect my device into a computer or laptop running on Windows 7 and then view the contents of my "sdcard folder" or the /storage/emulated/0/ directory, there are some files and folders that can't be seen.

Those files and folders, however, can be viewed in an explorer app within the device such as Root Explorer or if I access my device from my computer through SSHDroid using WinSCP or command terminal like Putty.

I'm attaching a screen shot of what it looks like.

Do anyone here knows what's the issue in here, what caused this, and a way to fix this?

I'm running on stock rom 6.0.1 build number MMB29V, and my device is rooted.

Thanks in advance!

from xda-developers

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