jeudi 31 mars 2016

Google Now doesn't make calls, set calendar events, or anything really.

Hi. This is m first time writing something of my own here at XDA, and i only came here because i couldn't find anyone that were sharing my problem. Google Now hates me. When i am talking some times interrupts me, even though i talk as fasts as i humanly can. When I ask things like:
What does the fox say?
What is the fastest car?
etc. it doesn't answer. It doesn't even show what it would have said if it had gotten back its voice. Please help... I often use it for making calendar events or giving quick texts when bicycling.

I have a Nexus 6P (ironic, right?) that is rooted and has xposed framworks, but i only use it for greenify and cpu-control. Not custom rom and everything updated other than the newest security update.

from xda-developers

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