mercredi 30 mars 2016

Top Apps by Country - Select the country check what is top there - both Free & Paid.

Personally I want to know what is the top app in USA, UK & some time Germany, just decided to made an app which can help common users to understand what is happening in other country when it comes to android.

I request XDA users to test and share your suggestion or feedback to improve the application.

Top ranked downloaded high quality apps listed in google store for each country under various categories.
Ranking made based on its downloads and its quality and ratings.

Easy Smooth UI to navigate apps with Category and Sub Category's

Apps were categorized on both Free and Paid apps.

We are keep working to increase number of countries. Please mention if your country in comments if missing we will add it in next update.

Please Thanks button to support my work..

from xda-developers

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