jeudi 2 juin 2016

Gfive G9 President rebot at startup

Hi everyone
i have gfive g9 president and it is rebooting at start up again and again its just stuck at that point. All i know is this that i was formating my phone and all of sudden it fell off from my hand and turn off and this start happening afterwards. When i power it on it start rebooting again and again at GFIVE logo screen again and again i have to take the battery out to stop it from doing it. One thing more when i plug in the charger or in computer it shows nothing on the phone nor pc. Maybe its Rom issue or i dont know. Please help me whatever the issue is and please guide me in step by step. I am a student and living alone kind off so please dont suggest me to buy a new one because i cant right now.
Thanks for your time
Ali Abbas

from xda-developers

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