mardi 27 septembre 2016

Can plz anyone help me about my simple doubt.

Any one plz I had searched every where but couldn't find what I want to
Could someone plz tell me
That in features surely yu yureka plus is better than you yureka
But I don't wanna buy such a phone that is not developers first choice for new developments
And surely yu yureka is one of them but I couldn't find such interests by developers in you yureka plus.
When I searched for you yureka plus custom Roms then I could not find separate website or forums for you yureka plus
There is like
All Roms for yu yureka/yureka plus
What does that mean can I install same Roms on both yurekas
And does that mean that all development
I mean themes mods Roms made in this you yureka section are also applicable for yu yureka plus
Like same every thing all procedures etc plz clear this
And I want to ask why yu yureka plus is selling cheaper than yu yureka
ANd at last should I buy yu yureka or plus

from xda-developers

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