mardi 31 mai 2016

Anyone can not Really give me any HELP THANHS

Anyone can not Really give me any HELP THANHS
Can help someone through my note 3 n9005 when I go to ricovery is seys mount ext4 faild am from 6.0 Android costum rom went to 5.0 and install Offical rom 5.0 Slovenian rom and pit file a got in xda forum but I encountered a problem now when I go to ricovery write me e : EFS faild mount an invalid argument tried with costum rom 6.0 repeatedly downloadna fr. but nothing happens always the same in ex File Manger got an empty folder EFS but I still have my real IMEI as the battery I also have a problem with the signal almost can not have please or we could be who I helped a already given up no longer know what to do help

from xda-developers

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