samedi 2 juillet 2016

How can I transfer all photo content and metadata from my Galaxy S7 Edge to PC (WIN7)

When I view the pictures I have taken with my Galaxy s7 edge in the Samsung Gallery app it offers some functions that I would like to keep when I transfer the files to PC.

1) It seems there's some kind of AI that puts the pictures in categories like "food". Where is this Metadata stored an how can I reuse it once I transfered the files on my PC?
2) When taking pictures mith the camera you can enable that it records a short movie (2secs) how do I access this once the file is on my WIN PC
3) When taking panoramas to can access a little movie that shows how you turned the camera as well - is that one accessible on PC?

I've googled for an hour and couldn't relly find any relevant Info.
Can anybody give me a hint?
Thanks a lot

from xda-developers

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